Monday, March 17, 2008


Selection of wallpaper from Claire Coles Design - images from her website.

I just really love this kind of textured type of wallpapers - and I admire the thought process and sourcing of material that's gone behind creating each piece. In her own words:

"Sourcing old and new wallpapers, ranging from floral patterns to regency stripes, I adapt these papers to develop an innovative approach to traditional wallpaper design.

Stitching together various textures and patterns creates an intricate and layered effect within my designs, where it appears that the pattern of these papers begins to grow and come to life.

The use of needlecraft reflects the time and care given to each individual piece."

Claire Coles also make ceramics, furniture and accessories with the same feel and thought behind them. Her badges composed out of torn up love stories I think lovely Sandra would like.

That also reminds me that I meant to post about another (previous here) mixtape she's made (if you don't speak Swedish: click the mixtape link above - scroll down and click on "Sandras hångelpepp" and download).

You're guaranteed to like it!


Anonymous said...

jättefina broscher ju!

Rare Autumn said...

visst är de! tänkte att du nog skulle tycka det :)