Thursday, October 08, 2009

Diary No 0. Things That Do Not Happen.

Diary No 0. Things That Do Not Happen. Photographs by Fabio Barile. 3/3, 2009. 48 pp., Color illustration throughout, 6¼x7½". Signed copies available from photo-eye.

"Flipping through Diary No. 0 was somewhat of a rejuvenating experience for me.

This catalog is modest, the tones are soft and delicate, and the light beautiful, but what has stuck with me is the simplicity of the work. There is the sense of an aimless wanderer in these photographs, a contemporary documentation of life's ordinary experiences.

The first time indulging in this book I was captured by the ongoing story of life's banality... as well as the simple beauty of Barile's photographs. Well over an hour had passed before this book made its way back to the shelf."
- Tony Dolezal (photo-eye bookstore)