Friday, January 14, 2011

Fettered by film.

Fettered by film. By dettmer otto. Otto books, 2008. 21pp., hand stenciled on lining paper, stapled, 17x25cm.

I've previously featured the excellent book 'The Octopus would like to put a stop to us' by Otto and I couldn't resist featuring 'Fettered by film' even though there sadly are no more copies available.

'Fettered by film' is "adapted from a film written by Vladimir Mayakovsky in 1918". To view all pages of 'Fettered by film' go here, and for more books and illustration work by Otto go here.

Otto says of his book art:

"I'd like to think that in my books every page is a cover. There are no 'dead' areas, I try to fill the book inch by inch with the most modern, exciting and challenging graphics. My books are fresh and lively, but also engaging and critical: there are no compromises. I am driven by a passion for the printed image on paper, and I take a pride in what I do.

My books are illustration based, text plays a supportive role. Most are screen printed in small editions. Quality of print and paper is paramount. I don't put too much into the binding as I try to keep the costs and prices low.

The visual narratives deal with mythologies in contemporary culture, such as consumerism, work-ethic, self-destruction."