Saturday, June 16, 2012


Magazine. Work by Mike Nelson, photographed by Mike Nelson and numerous photographers. Matt's Gallery & Book Works, 2003. 336 pp., illustrated throughout, 17,1x24,2cm. Edition of 2000 copies. Images from here.

Interesting retelling in book form of artist Mike Nelson's installation works.

Book description:

" '... And of course in terms of making spaces that claim to be something they're not, I just like the idea of a book calling itself a magazine.'

'Magazine' by Mike Nelson is an intricate reconfiguration of a number of his acclaimed installations. Nelson has selected, edited and ordered a succession of detailed images encouraging the reader to move through different passages and states whilst negotiating recyclings of six of his previous shows.

The book has no end point, no definitive reading but rather is a visual non-linear narrative which suggests an ‘Interzone’ - demonstrating a parallel experience which questions the purpose of Nelson’s constructed spaces and examines what is really going on behind the scenes.

'Magazine' can be experienced both as a memento and as a reading of Nelson’s constructed spaces and represents a logical progression and use of the book form by the artist.

We are invited to loose ourselves in a multiplicity of meaning as we continue reading - rediscovering, reinventing and redefining."


Anonymous said...

I have a copy of this, it's actually quite hard to locate at reasonable price now. Have you got the The Forgotten Kingdom? It's almost like a companion to Magazine, where one is cut-up fictitious spaces in photographs the other is cut-up narratives in text.

I think this was the high point for Mike Nelson, I've been a big fan of his work for a long time, but the way the works are wheeled out now makes them feel like haunted houses, more pantomime than submergence. The Jack Kerouac one is the on I would have really like to have seen though.

But yes, magazine is great, right down to is cheap paper and crude binding, it totally merges the space of a book (sequential pages) with being lost in a maze (sequential rooms).

Rare Autumn said...

It's a pretty great retelling of the intent of the installation pieces I think (and I think you're right: the binding and paper adds to the overall understanding of the work).

I haven't seen his work in ages, and I guess, as you, perhaps my interest is slightly passed. I guess that's one of those cliches though, it becomes old hat?

Anyway, always great to get your input! I think I've flicked through 'Forgotten Kingdom' many years ago, perhaps I need to locate a copy...

ps. I think Book Works still sells 'Magazine' (£20 - I can't remember what I once bought it for...)