Friday, June 21, 2013

Nine types of flowers

Bouquet of nine types of flowers from 1935, held at Nordiska museum Stockholm. Id no: NM.0299798. Photo: Karolina Kristensson. Image source (also source for quote below, translated by me).

It's a trifecta: Midsummer eve, the summer solstice and my birthday!!

[Like Christmas night, Midsummer night has long been held to have magical qualities. Here's a bouquet of nine types of flowers that it's owneress had under her pillow* Midsummer night 1935, in Allerums socken (Sweden).]

*On their way home on Midsummer eve, girls and young women are supposed to pick seven (or nine) different types of flowers and lay them under their pillows. At night, their future husbands appear to them in a dream. Legend also has it that the night before Midsummer’s Day is a magical time for love.

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