The Octopus would like to put a stop to us. By dettmer otto, with poem by Benjamin Heathcote . Otto books, 2010. 21pp., 4 colours, stencil painted, staple bound, 29,7x42cm.
I really like this book 'The Octopus would like to put a stop to us' from otto books - it's a sweet example of book art (and I do love screenprinting).
Otto says of his book art:
"I'd like to think that in my books every page is a cover. There are no 'dead' areas, I try to fill the book inch by inch with the most modern, exciting and challenging graphics. My books are fresh and lively, but also engaging and critical: there are no compromises. I am driven by a passion for the printed image on paper, and I take a pride in what I do.
My books are illustration based, text plays a supportive role. Most are screen printed in small editions. Quality of print and paper is paramount. I don't put too much into the binding as I try to keep the costs and prices low.
The visual narratives deal with mythologies in contemporary culture, such as consumerism, work-ethic, self-destruction."
To view all pages of 'The Octopus would like to put a stop to us' go here (click on new books and then on the title) and for more books and illustration work by Otto go here.