Monday, March 28, 2011


Grasmücke. By Yukiko Yamasaki, Luo Rong Rong, Tomoe Miyazaki, Shinya Hiratake, Yuki Murabayashi, Anke Feuchtenberger, Jul Gordon and Gosia Machon. MAMI-Verlag, Hamburg 2010. Colour illustrations through-out. Images from Gosia Machon (whose work I found via Camilla Engman).

'Grasmücke' (which is German for Warbler) is an anthology of work by German and Japanese illustrators.

It was created through an exchange between German and Japanese cartoonists and illustrators in Hamburg and Kyoto, and features work by Yukiko Yamasaki, Luo Rong Rong, Tomoe Miyazaki, Shinya Hiratake, Yuki Murabayashi, Anke Feuchtenberger, Jul Gordon and Gosia Machon.