Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Surviving Cambodia.

Surviving Cambodia. Photographs by Jim Krantz. Paper Mirror Press, 2007. 48 pp., 45 illustrations, 6x6". Signed copies available at photoeye.

"Cambodia is a world of extremes. The shattered legacy of broken families and the ghostly remains of dismembered bodies, victims of the Pol Pot regime, haunt the ancient temples that once represented a dynamic, vital civilization. Children playfully dive into opaque rivers that multi-task as sewer, food source and place to bathe. Little boys capture lizards in the Killing Fields; climb trees searching for fruit, all seemingly oblivious to the atrocities that have occurred where they stand. But evidence of the brutal past of the Khmer Rouge persist as the rains and wind erode the land, exhuming the bones, teeth and clothes of countless lives erased during their reign of terror."

A poignant and beautiful visual exploration of a complicated history and its present.

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