Monday, February 01, 2010

Visual typography by Ebon Heath

Typography mobiles by Ebon Heath. Images from yatzer.

Brooklyn-based artist Ebon Heath creates astonishing mobiles or 3D sculptures made out of letters and words almost thrown together in a vivid, musical poetry.

The movement and rhythmical language in the pieces are immediate, and the typography, words and sentences given free reign to interact with and react to the larger physical environment.

This work is a sensational use of the physical form of language, with a forcefulness yet undeniable beautiful.

Ebon Heath on his work:

"The structures are a physical representation of our language as object.

This 'visual noise' permeates all aspects of modern culture, especially urban living. From the signs, billboards, stores, and t-shirts that yell with type for attention as you walk down any high street. All the audio and verbal noise, from music we plug our ears with to the din of countless conversations, screams and whispers. With new media of texting, online, and transmitted technology there is even invisible noise silent to the eye surrounding us all.

It is this cozy womb of information, data, or chorus of cacophony that my mobiles hope to represent as well as reveal. Making the invisible visible."

Read yatzer's fantastic interview with Ebon Heath here.


Josephine said...

this reminds me of veer's type city:

love it!

Rare Autumn said...

it's a pretty sensational and immediate use of typography no..? glad you liked it josephine!